Welcome To Best Laser Piles Surgery Hospital in Dombivali

We constantly strive to provide the best care to our patients. Our qualified and experienced general surgeons excel in providing treatment plans for Best Piles Surgery

Professional Staff

Provide care to patients under the supervision of a healthcare professional such as a doctor or senior nurse

Emergency Treatment

Our hospitals and emergency departments are available to provide you with safe emergency and essential care

Trusted Doctors

Doctors providing the best medical care to patients in Dombivli East, Thane

24/7 Services

24/7 appointment helplines to consult an expert at Amrut Hospitals

Our Treatments


We’re Setting the New

Standards in Medical Sector

Modern Technology

Dr. Pramod Bahekar (Amrut Hospital) in Dombivli East, Thane, Mumbai has a well-equipped clinic with all the modern equipment.

Certified Doctors

Consult the best doctor for the treatment of piles, fissure, hernia, fistula and anal cancer in thane.

Success Of Treatment

No stitches, cuts or bleeding. Same day recovery

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Why Choose Us

At Dr. Pramod D. Bahekar’s Amrut Hospital, we are committed to providing the highest level of care for all your piles, fistula, Anal Cancer, Hernia, and Gallbladder surgery problems. With over 37 years of experience, Dr. Bahekar is recognized as the leading piles surgeon and endoscopist in Dombivli.

Experience: Dr. Bahekar brings decades of experience in treating piles, fistula, and other anorectal conditions, offering customized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs.

Advanced Treatment Options: We utilize the latest, minimally invasive techniques to ensure faster recovery, less pain, and better outcomes for our patients.

Dr Pramod Bahekar – Eminent Surgeon has to his Credit FICS (fellow of international college of surgeons) FAIS (Fellow of association of Surgeons of India) FISCP (fellow of international society of coloproctology)

Comprehensive Care: From diagnosis to post-treatment care, we are dedicated to guiding you through every step of your treatment journey.

Proven Success: Hundreds of satisfied patients in Dombivli and beyond have successfully overcome their piles and fistula conditions under Dr. Bahekar’s care.

Choose Dr. Pramod D. Bahekar for expert, compassionate, and effective treatment of your piles and fistula issues.

Need a Best Piles Surgeon in Dombivli

Just Make An Appointment & You’re Done! 

Call Us :  9920070956  | 8591076817  or  8779602217

Email : pramodbahekar@gmail.com


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